Donald Braunstein, MBA

Lead Faculty Area Chair

College of Business and Information Technology

About Braunstein

Donald Braunstein currently has a book publishing consulting practice. He started his career as a chemical engineer, but through a series of fortunate events, ended up as a senior executive in one of the largest book publishing companies in America.

Titles he’s held along the way include Marketing Research Manager, Manager of Financial Analysis, Executive Vice President at Doubleday Publishing, Chief Operating Officer at Dell Publishing, President at Coward McCann Publishing, and President at Putnam, Grosset & Dunlap Publishing.

Braunstein has worked with authors like Judy Blume, Danielle Steel and Kurt Vonnegut.


  • Bachelor of Chemical Engineering (B.Ch.E.), Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA), New York University 
I try to make all course materials relevant to the real world. I do that primarily through describing my own experiences.

Donald Braunstein, MBA
Lead Faculty Area Chair

I try to make all course materials relevant to the real world. I do that primarily through describing my own experiences.